
We are a team of trained domestic abuse advisors, working in partnership with a range of agencies to safeguard and protect victims of domestic abuse.

Safe2Speak want to provide reassurance to local partner agencies that all our services remain accessible & open for local victims of domestic abuse. We are also continuing to respond to professionals enquiries, provide guidance & participate in multi-agency work.

  • Safe2Speak IDVA & Outreach service are contactable on 01744 743200 each day 9am – 5pm.

We are advising professionals that the IDVA telephone lines may be busy due to support being offered to victims.

If your call is unanswered, please do NOT leave a voicemail. The voicemail service cannot be monitored at this time due to staff working from home.


If your call is unanswered, please call our helpline on 01925 220541. Helpline staff will take your message & pass this to the relevant IDVA/Outreach officer. Please provide helpline staff with your name, safe contact number & brief details how we can help/message.

  • Safe2Speak 24 hour helpline remains open and can be accessed by victims, concerned friends/family and professionals by calling 01925 220541.
  • Safe2Speak Refuge Accommodation remains open and you can enquire about refuge space/make a referral by calling the helpline on 01925 220541. If you are a professional, you can also contact refuge by calling 01744 755137.
  • Safe2Speak Website is accessible via – the website has a translation facility in the bottom right hand corner if you are supporting someone whose first language is not English. It also has the following link to national online support  if it is not safe for the victim to access our 24hr helpline or telephone based support services. Our website has detailed information regarding local referral pathways and downloadable referral forms.

If you have questions or would like further information about the support we are offering to local victims at this difficult time, do not hesitate to contact us.


Merseyside Police wanted to provide you with some useful information and clarification about the ‘Silent Solution’ system which is used to ensure that the police are aware when someone is in need of urgent help but cannot speak. There has been a substantial amount of coverage about this in recent weeks, most notably in relation to its use in cases of domestic abuse.

There has however been some information which is inaccurate and has unintentionally been shared by the public and the media. In extreme cases, this misinformation could lead to those in need of urgent police help not receiving the right support.


One of the most concerning is the notion that people can dial 999, press 55 straight away, and then hang up with the expectation that a response car will follow. This is incorrect.


A completely silent mobile 999 call would not be put through to the silent solution – there must be background voices or key presses. Pressing 55 straight after dialling 999 may not even be heard as a key press by the operator at the start of the call.


To ensure that they get the right support, those in need of urgent police help should…

  1. Dial 999
  2. Listen to the questions
  3. Respond by coughing or tapping the headset if they cannot easily speak
  4. If prompted – press 55 – and they will be put through to the police


Silent Solution is a useful way for victims of domestic abuse to contact the police, however it is vital that people are aware of how it works so that they are able to get the right support from us.

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