PE and Sport Premium



The Government is continuing to invest in Primary PE and all schools receive a Sport Premium. 

This funding will help improve and broaden PE and sport provision, increase participation and help to tackle childhood obesity.

The DfE is working with organisations with an interest to agree how this funding will be allocated and how to strengthen accountability arrangements and guidance for schools to ensure value for money.

The PE and Sport premium is designed to help primary schools improve the quality of the PE and sport activities they offer their pupils.

PRUs do not receive the funding directly from DfE. The funding is given to the local authority and they determine how much is allocated.

How will the money be used in 2023/24?

We intend to provide swimming lessons for all of the children throughout the year. At the beginning of the year, we will audit existing equipment and replenish it. We will use the PE budget to update our staff training accordingly. This is always an excellent experience for the groups of children that take part; for many of them it is their first outing to a swimming pool to have lessons.

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