The KS3 staff always ensure that each day begins with as much positivity as possible!


In order to help our students navigate the school day we begin each one in the same way:


  • All students hand in their valuables, phones, and coats to staff as they enter our building. This prevents them from becoming distracted by their belongings.


  • The students hand in their bus tickets from the day before, because we reimburse these travelling expenses with a ticket or receipt.


  • All students are given breakfast and a drink, in case they have not had time for breakfast at home.


  • To encourage positive independance, we offer our students the chance to make their own breakfast. In doing this, they are able to earn AQA certificates.


  • All students spend the first 15 minutes of each day with their form tutor to encourage them to prepare for the day ahead, and so the can be in the right frame of mind to work hard and acheive success.
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