Trips and Events

Unforgettable Learning

All PGL's adventure activities take place under the instruction and guidance of specially trained PGL instructors who prioritise safety above all else. Activities take place on land, on the water and in the air (for our rope-based challenges), so each brings a different (and fun!) way for children to challenge themselves in a friendly, safe and supportive environment.



Enrichment visits are an integral part of the learning experience for pupils at Tuition Services and during the course of the year pupils enjoy a variety of day trips to places of local interest, museums, theatres and galleries to reinforce the classroom curriculum.

The pupils at Tuition Services have the opportunity to engage in exciting enrichment trips, this allows pupils to engage with the wider community and teach them important life-skills.

Horse painting

Pupil Voice

"The horse painting was great. It was really fun to do as most of the classmates that went with me had never painted a horse so we all experienced the same feeling. The feeling of joy and having a great time. We also led a horse around, which most of us there had not done before, and we loved it."


Holocaust Memorial

Pupil Voice

"It’s a part of history and it teaches young minds what is wrong which protect the future generation. It teaches us about the past and we can actually see the harm that was done. Several students also got the opportunity to read out in front of everybody."


Antony Gormley's Another Place (Crosby)

In the summer, pupils embarked on a trip to visit Antony Gormley's art work ‘Another Place’ at Crosby beach to support the Art curriculum.  The trip allowed the pupils to experience these spectacular sculptures in person, which inspired the students to create their own sculptures on the beach.  Furthermore it gave the students opportunity to access provision they have never experienced before. In addition the trip helped many students overcome sensory issue with the support of staff.

Pupil Voice

"Going to the beach was a good way to improve our social skills and it got us to be active. Also being out in the fresh air can benefit your mental health and help social anxiety."


Armistice Day 

Students gathered in Victoria Square on Armistice Day for a ceremony of remembrance for the fallen.

Pupil Voice

“We went out to the town hall for Remembrance day to pay our respects to the people who fought all those years ago so we could be free.”


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