What do the students say about Launchpad?
Feedback is collected and collated annually from KS4 leavers:-
"It’s great, staff are friendly" (Daniel H Year 11)
"Launchpad centre is an outstanding institution with excellent teachers"
(Jack B Year 11)
"Staff have helped me to make more progress than my previous 2 schools"
(Phoebe Year 11)
"Staff have helped me to calm down"
(Paige Year 11)
What did you enjoy the most at the centre? "The staff"
(Daniel H, Phoebe, Kurtis)
"Teachers are fair so I didn’t kick off"
(Sean Year 11)
What do you feel we did well? "The support, progress I made and the relationships with staff"
(Rhyana Year 11)
What would you not change about the centre? "The staff’ (Kurtis, Dan L, Daniel H)
What do you think we could do better? "Don’t change anything"
(Charlotte and Phoebe, Year 11)