Reading at Launchpad KS4


Reading in the KS4 Curriculum

Pupils attend KS4 to have an opportunity to continue with their GCSE education and are assessed on entry. Most learners will have a reading and spelling age well below the average for their year group. Within our curriculum we have increased the opportunities for literacy and numeracy enhancement by introducing Functional Skills lessons and specific curriculum time for reading. In addition, all staff have focussed on developing reading and literacy within their own subject area.

Reading is assessed on entry and termly (3x a year) to monitor progress. A reading audit was completed by all staff in April 2022. Work scrutiny has focussed on reading opportunities and literacy enhancement in all subject areas.

The teacher of English has responsibility for reading lessons working closely with the teacher of Functional Skills, however the teaching of reading is also facilitated by other staff when required.

English / Reading Lessons

  • Reading for understanding
  • Reading for detail (resource booklet introduced for all students to support with this)
  • Reading British authors
  • Reading short moralistic books and discussion centring on themes raised
  • Reading about different cultures
  • Reluctant readers use subtitles on movies and are encouraged to read around special interests ie) football, cars, fishing
  • Word of the day in lessons and an alternative word of the day on the communal area display screen
  • Command words and definitions on display in the English classroom
  • Displays to encourage wider reading and reading for pleasure

Functional Skills Lessons

Functional Skills lessons are cross curricular and underpin GCSE work covered in English, Maths and Biology. All students are entered for Functional Skills Level 1 in January in both English and Maths so work in these lessons will also prepare them for these exams. We have a teacher responsible for Functional Skills lessons, but this is also shared with our Maths and English specialists.

Reading across the Curriculum

  • Wall displays to support reading focus
  • Wall displays to promote and encourage reading
  • Question and command words displayed in each classroom
  • Subject specific words on display in classrooms
  • Reading out loud in lessons
  • Quizzes/ starter activities in all subjects
  • Independent research activities
  • Marking for literacy










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