Religious Education

Students at Launchpad will have the opportunity to take part in RE lessons.

This course covers a range of religions and philosophical and ethical themes, ensuring you and your students have a variety of intriguing subjects to explore. Students will be challenged with questions about belief, values, meaning, purpose and truth, enabling them to develop their own values and attitudes towards religious issues.

Students will also gain an appreciation of how religion, philosophy and ethics form the basis of our culture. They will develop analytical and critical thinking skills, the ability to work with abstract ideas, leadership and research skills. All these will help prepare them for further study.


What is Launchpad aiming to achieve through its RE curriculum?

Our goal is to equip young people with the knowledge, understanding, attitudes and practical skills to live healthily, safely, productively and responsibly in today’s society. We also aim to develop skills and attributes such as resilience, self-esteem, risk-management, and critical thinking in the context of two sections:

  • Section A: The study of religions: beliefs and teachings.
  • Section B: Thematic studies: religious, philosophical and ethical studies.


By studying the course students will develop a greater awareness of different beliefs and attitudes to the issues studied, both religious and non-religious issues, in contemporary British society. They should be aware that the religious traditions of Great Britain are, in the main, Christian, and that religious traditions in Great Britain are diverse. They include the following: Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism and Sikhism, as well as other religious and non-religious beliefs such as atheism and humanism.

Units of study:

The learners will study the following topics:

Section A

  • Christianity
  • Judaism

Section B

  • Relationships and families
  • Sex, marriage and divorce
  • Families and gender equality
  • Religion, peace and conflict
  • Religion, violence, terrorism and war
  • Religion and belief in 21st century conflict

Students are formatively assessed throughout the subject by teacher observation and marking of completed work to help monitor their strengths and weaknesses. Ongoing feedback is given in order to target areas for improvement and improve learning.

Progression Opportunities

Learners who achieve these qualifications and accreditations can progress onto further education, employment and training.

Career Opportunities: NHS; the civil service; youth and social work, advertising, investment and banking, law, politics, business, the creative industries, the charity sector and NGOs, publishing and journalism, and education.



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