Local Offer

Local Offer


As a parent or carer we understand you will have plenty of questions when preparing for your child to enter our facility.


Our local offer attempts to answer many of these, but you can visit the rest of our website to find out more.  We will also be happy to answer any questions over the phone or arrange for you and your child to visit the school so please just get in touch.


What is our approach to teaching and learning?


Before your child starts a placement with us, we want to learn as much about your child as possible.  We will have an initial planning meeting, which allows all parties concerned to discuss a plan for your child’s weekly provision.  This will involve your child, yourself, a representative from the provision and representative from alternative education.  If your child is still registered with a mainstream school, they will be invited too.  We work hard to make sure that alternative education works for your child and are keen to set up a provision that works best to suit your child’s needs.  We want to learn about what your child enjoys, what their strengths are and what they are interest in.


We will continue to regularly assess your child during their time in alternative education and we really enjoy celebrating pupil achievements and successes as they develop.  Keyworkers are allocated to all students and are your first point of contact.  Keyworkers will provide informal progress reports on a regular basis to you and let you know how they are getting on.  Formal reports are completed every term and there are regular reviews.


Alternative providers offer an opportunity for students to enhance their academic studies with vocational qualifications in another setting.


Careers Connect colleagues also support our students in their preparations for Post 16 education. Please see the information on our website.


We work with a variety of agencies to support your child’s health and well-being and personal development. Please get in touch if you need help to access additional support.


How does alternative education review and evaluate outcomes?


All pupils have targets set in each subject.  You will be invited to review meetings to discuss the progress made by your child academically and socially and to discuss their targets going forward.  A formal report and review will take place every 12 weeks (termly) to keep you updated on your child’s progress in all subject areas.  Your child will take a role in preparing for meetings to review targets and progress and will be expected to attend and contribute to the review meeting.


How does alternative education keep pupils safe?


Your child’s safety and welfare is of the highest importance to us.  All our staff have regular safeguarding training and receive regular updates.  They can also seek advice from our Service Safeguarding Manager.  More detail can be found on our Safeguarding Policy on the website.


When your child starts in alternative education all parties involved in the planning stage will sign a contract and a number of consent forms.  Risk assessments are produced for all areas and activities when students go off-site.


Whenever your child goes off-site our staff will have obtained risk assessments for the activity and will complete their own risk assessment taking into account the location and the pupils going.  Our approach to risk is ‘risk beneficial, not risk adverse’.  This means that our pupils are able to experience a range of activities, but are able to do so in a safe and controlled environment.


From the moment your child arrives at provision to the time the provision day finishes, your child will be well supervised and supported by our team of highly skilled staff.  For those pupils who require transport, we will ensure that a bus pass is provided, and this will be arranged during their first couple of weeks.  Please note that if the bus pass is lost that you will have to pay for a replacement.


Bullying is not tolerated in alternative education and even minor incidents will be dealt with promptly.  If your child feels they have been bullied they can tell their key worker or any staff member whom they feel comfortable with.


How do we support medical needs in alternative education?


Any child with medical need will have their health information kept in their file so that staff working with your child are aware of their needs and if they have any medication requirements.  Before your child starts in alternative education we will talk with you and ensure we have all the relevant health information from you as well as ask you to sign a consent form if you wish us to administer medication during the school day.


If your child is unwell during their time in alternative education we will communicate with you and ensure that your child is well looked after and receives the correct medical support, if required.


If your child needs to take medication at alternative provision, staff will make sure they are given the right amount at the right time.  They keep it safely locked in a secure cupboard and make sure they record the medication, the amount and the time it was given to your child by signing and countersigning the record sheet.


The emotional wellbeing of all our pupils is considered a priority and additional support is available if required.


How does alternative education communicate with parents?


From the moment that we know that your child will be coming to our school we will begin to communicate and liaise with you to ensure that we develop the strongest relationship with you and the best understanding of your child possible.  Before your child starts we will have a planning meeting and answer any questions or address any concerns that you or your child may have.


Your child will be given a keyworker who will conduct an induction meeting with you during your first day in alternative education.  The keyworker should regularly update you on your child’s progress at least every half term.  If you require, we can communicate via email.  If you need to speak to anyone in the provision you can ring them during office hours.  If the person you want is teaching or in a meeting they will return the call as soon as they can.


We conduct surveys with parents and students to understand what we are doing well and what areas we can improve.  We want to ensure that you can share your views and help us deliver the highest possible standards of education, care and support for you and your child.


We understand the importance of confidentiality and adhere to GDPR guidelines to ensure that we communicate with you in an appropriate, considerate and confidential manner around all aspects of your child’s education and care.


How does the school promote working together?


The continued success of our alternative providers is in many ways down to our commitment to work closely with our pupils, parents and their families.  Everyone is encouraged to contribute and play their part in making our alternative education the best it can be.  By working together and understanding every individual child’s needs, we will be in the best position possible to meet and exceed the objectives for your child as detailed in their reviews.


Pupils can complete questionnaires about school life and their views and feedback will be taken into account at their termly review, or through the pupils’ voice feedback forms.


Our staff will work with other people involved in your child’s care.  Sometimes external agencies such as health workers, social workers, Early Help, Youth Justice, CAMHs and other professionals need to meet with school staff.  They are invited to meetings to share their expertise and often support the children and families we work with.


What help and support does the school offer to families?


We understand that to achieve the best outcomes for your child we will also need to work closely and offer support and help to you and your family.  We offer many different types of practical help and resources for you to support your children outside of school. There are a number of links on our website for you to consider.


We will communicate with you regularly so we are aware of the help you need and find out how to obtain it.  It might help to improve your child’s health, independence, college options or activities outside school.


When you are planning for your child’s future including college options our Careers Connect Officer can provide guidance and support, arranging college visits if needed.  We are also able to support your child in accessing career events and advice that will help them gain a greater understanding about the options available to them and more information about the jobs and careers that interest them. Please see our website for details.


If you have further questions please contact Andrew Hastings on 07925894184 or andrewhastings@sthelens.gov.uk

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