Launchpad Tuition Service - Staff Team

Launchpad Tuition Service
Based at the Beacon Building
25 College Street, St Helens, WA10 1TF
Tel: 01744 677522 

Head of Provision for Tuition Service : Robert Vaughan


Name Position
Mr M Power Headteacher Alternative Provision Service/DSL

Mr A Ford

Deputy Headteacher Alternative Provision Service/Head of Provision KS3 & Day 6 Base/DSL

Mrs K Crook

Safeguarding and Pastoral Manager/DSL

Mrs C Dawson


Mr R Vaughan

Head of Provision for Tuition Service/DSL

Mrs D Melling Deputy Head of Provision for Tuition Service
Ms N Jennings Teacher 
Mrs S Vaughan Teacher 
Mr J McMillan  Teacher 
Mr S Halsall Teacher 
Ms J Taylor Teacher
Mrs G Critchley Higher Level Teaching Assistant
Ms L Swift Senior Learning Assistant L3
Mrs C French Senior Learning Assistant L3
Mrs P Furlong Senior Learning Assistant L3
Ms S Garner Senior Learning Assistant
Ms J Smith  Clerical/Reception
Mrs L Fewtrell Senior Admin Officer/SIMS Co-ordinator



Here at Tuition Services the pupils are assigned a Key worker. A Key Worker is a member of staff who has special responsibility for the education, welfare and mental health of a particular group of children during their time at the centre.  A key worker will ensure that the needs of the child are recognised within the overall curriculum framework of the group.

The primary aim of the key worker system is to support a multi-agency approach to supporting each child as an individual. They will promote close relationships between the practitioner and his/her children in order to meet their emotional needs.  A key worker will help your child to become familiar with Tuition Services and to feel confident and safe within it. They will also talk to parents/carers to make sure that the needs of the child are being met appropriately, and that records of development and progress are shared with parents/carers and other professionals as necessary.

Pupil Voice

"My Key Worker sessions help me because I get a chance to have a 1 to 1 and ask for help with stuff like building confidence, looking at what courses I want to do and talking about my problems. I like my Key Worker because if I’m having a bad day she will always find a solution to make me feel better."

"In my opinion I think having a Key Worker is important. If a child doesn’t wish to speak to a family member or friend about how they feel, they can speak to their given Key Worker and try to encourage you to speak to a relative or somebody you trust."

"A Key Worker to talk to anytime wasn’t an option in mainstream. Having Key Worker sessions and having someone to work on things you struggle with is beneficial as you can feel listened to and your problems become easier to deal with."


Mentor Programme

Gerry Fallon is a former head teacher and retired member of Tuition staff who has returned as a mentor to the pupils. This gives pupils the opportunity to speak to an adult who does not teach them, in a comfortable and familiar environment.

Pupil Voice

"Gerry has helped me with multiple things such as my depression, my anxiety and my anger issues. There were many times I needed to talk to someone but not being able to talk to anyone because of how low my mood went. Now that I’m at this school I have my mentor Gerry and the teachers I haven’t missed any school days since I was off and getting better by the day."

"I have had many sessions with Gerry our mentor and they have helped me so much. I was feeling so anxious and depressed but I knew I had a Gerry session coming up which sort of brightened me a bit. I got taken out of the lesson and we spoke about how I am and I said I have been so anxious for a while now. Gerry said “What you should do is look or focus on an object in your room and look at every detail and your mind will think I don’t like this, I’ll just go to sleep” and how much that worked was incredible! I have had so many Gerry sessions since then and I have improved so much! Gerry has helped me with so much like anxiety, depression and loads more and I’m so grateful for it"

"Gerry is helpful and very caring. Therefore, when you’re upset or anxious, he’ll be there to help you and solve the problem. This is good for young people because when something is wrong, you’ll know someone is there."

"Gerry is beneficial to the Beacon because the students know that if they ever have any anxieties or worries about school, their home life, upcoming events or anything in general you can go to him and he never judges you. He always makes time for people who need to talk."

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